Broadcast own signals with raspberry and jamming these signals.

Through a wide variety of jamming signals

  • Service jamming signals

Broadcast own signals with raspberry and jamming these signals

IN this project we first do broadcasting our own signals using raspberry 

 First we install PiFmAdv in our raspberry

After that we use this command to broadcast signal  on empty place where no signals before we get a place at 434.000.000

“sudo ./pi_fm_rds -freq 434.000 -audio sound.wav”

Then our signal is broadcosting which we see in below figure

After broadcasting signals now we are going to jamm these Signals or doing distortion in signals

NOW we are going to  jamm these signal .

First  we install gr-osmosdr software for gamming signals

For installing this software we just type this command

Run this software just using this command

It runs in gui form

Now set frequency which we jamm

Now we can use this software in many ways,

 We can make disturbances in signals in many ways

You see a little distortion  in signals

There are many methods to jamm signal in this software.

“So you see all distortion of signals in up pictures so that’s all our project is first we broadcast signals with raspberry and then we  jamm these signals.”